Doc and Nina are holed up in their own houses right now. And while COVID-19 has different effects on their productivity levels, both of them have found time to record an episode on The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. This is a series of 100 short stories told by ten young Florentines hiding out in a country house, hoping to escape the worst of the Black Plague.
Nina and Doc will share their favorite stories from Day 2 of the book (the theme of “misadventures that end happily”). Doc and Nina also get into a discussion about why some of these stories are crueler than others.
Show Notes:
Nina’s Recommendations for “Sheltering in Place”:
Stardew Valley (https://www.stardewvalley.net/)
The Decameron – 3rd Day, Tenth Story
Doc’s Recommendations for “Sheltering in Place”:
Virgin Territory (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0437954/) vs. The Little Hours (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5666304/)
Icarus by Nina MacNamara -that’s Nina!- (https://books2read.com/Icarus-MacNamara) and From A to Zombie by Prof. Awesome -that’s Doc!- (https://books2read.com/From-A-to-Zombie)