Pop Medieval Ep 40: “There Can Be Only One, SpongeBob!”

PopMedieval Logo, showing stylized images of Dr Nokes and Nina McNamara. Above them is a shield, with arms, that says PopMedieval.
Pop Medieval
Pop Medieval Ep 40: "There Can Be Only One, SpongeBob!"

Doc and Nina take on a beloved camp classic for Movember: Highlander. Guess what — it’s also from 1986! And Sean Connery is back, doing his Scottish non-Scot thing again.

Topics covered: what exactly the Prize is, Christopher Lambert’s myopic sword-fighting, the Quickening, Styrofoam pillars, Rachel’s origin story, the best line in the film, medieval wrasslin’, the Kurgan as our language ancestor, witans versus things, and Doc’s experience impressing elementary school kids in “Camelot.”


World’s Most Expensive Medieval Sword – 13th Century Kamakura Katana (https://luxatic.com/the-top-10-most-expensive-medieval-weapons-ever-sold/)

Beowulf (1999) w/ Christopher Lambert (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120604/)

*Note from staff: apparently, the Quickening went down while Nina was recording and it screwed up her audio. Apologies for that.*

Pop Medieval Ep 39: “Your Female Part is a Little Underwritten (and Greasy), Sir”

PopMedieval Logo, showing stylized images of Dr Nokes and Nina McNamara. Above them is a shield, with arms, that says PopMedieval.
Pop Medieval
Pop Medieval Ep 39: "Your Female Part is a Little Underwritten (and Greasy), Sir"

Movember continues! Hoo boy, this is a doozy. Doc and Nina are back in the same room to watch “The Name of the Rose,” a 1986 slog with Sean Connery and Christian Slater! Can they really stop laughing long enough to explain what’s going on? (This is all Engineer Mike’s fault.)

Topics covered: who’s actually IN this movie, Sherlock Holmes, the actual title of this film, Benedictine vs Franciscan orders, the lost book on Poetics, Frasier vs Tenet, the Cotton Library fire, the greasy sex scene, Doc’s teenage dating life, Nina’s very important question


FYI – this movie is almost impossible to find. We’re linking to where you can buy the DVD (if you have to)

The Name of the Rose (https://www.amazon.com/Name-Rose-Sean-Connery/dp/B019HR3E18/)

The Mission (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091530/)

Napoleon Dynamite (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374900/)

Mythic Quest (https://tv.apple.com/us/show/mythic-quest/umc.cmc.1nfdfd5zlk05fo1bwwetzldy3)