Pop Medieval Episode 53: It Doesn’t Get More Sophisticated Than This, Folks

PopMedieval Logo, showing stylized images of Dr Nokes and Nina McNamara. Above them is a shield, with arms, that says PopMedieval.
Pop Medieval
Pop Medieval Episode 53: It Doesn't Get More Sophisticated Than This, Folks

They did it. They actually did it. Doc and Nina shoot the…well, you know. Warning: this episode might be the most disgusting yet.

Topics covered: where to find the best medieval human excrement, the Lloyd’s Bank coprolite and how to value poop, “the Poopsmith,” the Erfurt Latrine Disaster 1184, and why it’s important to keep buildings up to code. 


“How to Go to the Toilet, Medieval Style” https://www.medievalists.net/2021/11/toilet-medieval/ 

The Medieval Grad Podcast: https://www.medievalists.net/2021/07/introducing-the-medieval-grad-podcast/

Pop Medieval Episode 52: T’was Blind, But Now Doc Sees

PopMedieval Logo, showing stylized images of Dr Nokes and Nina McNamara. Above them is a shield, with arms, that says PopMedieval.
Pop Medieval
Pop Medieval Episode 52: T'was Blind, But Now Doc Sees

Doc and Nina started this season…and then stopped suddenly! What happened? Well, Doc went blind for a little while and it impeded the podcast!  And in Pop Medieval fashion, they turn this into a podcast episode.

Topics covered: chest day, eyeball jelly, leech books, disability studies, medieval eye recipes, John the Blind of Bohemia, the punishment for lousy leechcraft


John the Blind, King of Bohemia (1296-1346) (https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/john-bohemia-0013170)

Steve Pollington’s Leechcraft: Early English Charms, Plantlore and Healing  (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/809699.Leechcraft)

Michael Drout’s Quick and Easy Old English (https://books2read.com/Drout-Old-English)

Nokes’ BBC Future article on Swordfighting https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20221124-the-lost-medieval-sword-fighting-tricks-no-one-can-decode


Nokes’ upcoming book: Beowulf in Comic Books and Graphic Novels – coming in early 2023

Nina’s upcoming novel: This is What You Wanted – coming in early 2023